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Recenze naší práce : Recenze

Pokládka Zámkové dlažby - LÜCHOV NĚMECKO 


While creating this design, we worked closely with the client in order to manage their expectations and deliver the kind of results they dreamed of. At R.I.O. STAVEBNÍ A DOKONČOVACÍ PRÁCE, our goal is to bring our client’s vision to life.

Bourací práce - LÜCHOV NĚMECKO 


While working on this Conceptual App Design project, we were determined to produce an outcome with stunning visual appeal. We had to leverage our stellar team and years of expertise to ensure an unparalleled final product.


Pokládka Zámkové dlažby 

A Real Success

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!

Bourací práce

Exceptional Achievement

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!


Zednické práce  

Perfect Execution

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!

Zateplení fasád 

A Real Success

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!


Malířské práce 

Exceptional Achievement

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!

Izolace střech - CHEMNITZ 

Perfect Execution

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!


Montáž dřevěné střechy, a příprava lepenky zn. ISA

A Real Success

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!

Montáž zaizolovane  kopule na střechu- CHEMNITZ 

Exceptional Achievement

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!


3D projekt budova - v zoologické zahradě CHEMNITZ 

Perfect Execution

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!

Izolace a instalace fólie - CHEMNITZ 

A Real Success

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!


Izolace Střechy novou lepenkou a výměna za starou a už nepoužitou lepenku

Exceptional Achievement

This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!

Spolupráce s německou firmou HARTIG DACHBACH

Perfect Execution

Velmi dobrá spolupráce s touto Německou firmou.Máme, příští rok 2023 další zakázku a to 10 000m2, komplet zaizolovat střechu. Těšíme na příští rok. CHEMNITZ 👌🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪



Loket-Vysočina 2023 

Bourací práce a Výkopové Práce 

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